Course Structure

19 Lesson
0 Quizes


Life-Time Access




490.00 LKR

මෙම Graphic Design පාඨමාලාව (Print සහ Web) ඔස්සේ අප ඔබට Graphic Design විෂයේ මූලික දේවල් සරලව, මුල සිට අග දක්වා, ප්‍රායෝගිකව කියා දෙනු ලැබේ.


* භාෂාව : සිංහල

* සහභාගී විය හැකි අය :  Graphic Design පිළිබද උනන්දුවක් දක්වන ඕනෑම අයෙක්ට.

* ඔබ සතුව තිබිය යුතු මෘදුකාංග : Adobe Photoshop (CS6+), Adobe Indesign (CS6+), Adobe Illustrator (CS6+), CorelDRAW (X8)


විෂය නිර්දේශය :


විශේෂ දැනුවත් කිරීම

මෙම පාඨමාලාවේ ඇතුළත් වන්නේ අප විසින් මීට පෙර සිදු කරන ලද සජීවී පාඨමාලාවේ පටිගත කිරීම් බව කරුණාවෙන් සළකන්න.


* සහභාගි වීමේ සහතිකයක් සහිතයි 


Embark on a comprehensive Graphic Design course, encompassing both Print and Web, designed to provide a practical and straightforward understanding of the basics of Graphic Design from inception to completion. The course is conducted in Sinhala, making it accessible to anyone interested in the field. Participants are required to have Adobe Photoshop (CS6+), Adobe InDesign (CS6+), Adobe Illustrator (CS6+), and CorelDRAW (X8) for optimal engagement.

The course content covers a wide array of topics, starting with the fundamentals of Graphic Design, exploring concepts such as artwork, pixels, and graphic elements for both print and web applications. Color basics and theory, principles of graphic design, the Gestalt Principle, and page layouts are also extensively covered, along with insights into graphic design rules and guidelines, intellectual property rights, and the fundamentals of entrepreneurship, including planning and scheduling work.

Communication skills and interpersonal skills are addressed in a dedicated module, focusing on the definition and importance of communication effectiveness, verbal and non-verbal communication techniques, customer service, body language theory, and the use of telephone, fax machines, internet, and e-mail.

The Graphic Software Fundamentals module delves into practical aspects of using design software, covering drawing lines and curves, shapes with effects, paintbrush techniques, area selection, fill effects and colors, application of menu bar options, erasing areas, and color selection using the eyedropper tool.

It's essential to note that the course includes recorded sessions from previous live courses, providing participants with a valuable learning resource. Upon completion, participants will receive a certificate of attendance, validating their acquired skills in Graphic Design. Join us on this educational journey to gain practical insights and hands-on experience, enhancing your capabilities in the dynamic field of Graphic Design.

Meet Your Instructor

Pushpika Weerawardana

මම දැනට වසර හතකට ආසන්න කාලයක් වෘත්තීය පුහුණු ආයතනයක උපදේශකවරියක් වශයෙන් සේවය කරන අතර ග්‍රැෆික් නිර්මාණ ශිල්පී ක්ෂේත්‍රයේ වැඩ කළ කාලය වසර දහයකි.